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  • 类型:动作游戏
  • 时间:2021-11-03
  • 大小:456MB
  • 版本:v2.8.0
  • 系统:ios
  • 星级:
  • 语言:
  • 授权:免费
  • 作者:cnc下载


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战斗泰坦iOS版v2.8.0 用手机扫描下载


- New weapon mortar “Onager” with new plunging fire mechanics and two modes of aiming: first - azimuth-distance aiming with manual distance controlling and second - bombs will be thrown at the place indicated by the sight (reticle) (similar to that of a beacon, only that it ignores aim assist).
- Variable charge (and bomb flight time), depended on distance. Further distance means longer flight time.
- Mortar is disabled on Cormorant during flight.

- Now there are three types of damage in the game, with the inclusion of HEF (high-explosive fragmentation) for the new warhead shells for mortars. Armor resists for HEAT and HEF are currently the same. In the future, this may change as more damage and ammo types are introduced.

- New system of controls and customization.

- New message delivery protocol (including invitations) implemented in addition to unreliable channel of push notifications (invites and notifications in the hangar should come faster, and more reliable).

- Dynamic update of online player statuses in the UI of friends/squad/ custom game

- Improved and fixed weapon animations (mismatched reload animations timing, etc.)

- Internal improvements and refactoring.

- The base ground speed of the Cormorant is increased by 5 km/h

- Cormorant received 10% resists for all types of damage in the base to all parts of titan (except weapons) including Thrusters.

- Reduced penalties for speed and agility for Thrusters hardening.

- Little Shon has become slightly more maneuverable, and the tower rotation speed is increased by 16%

- Maneuverability and targeting are slightly weakened for Javelin missiles.



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